塞内加尔外长:非中沟通日益多元化 非洲与中国是真实的双赢联系丨世界观

09-08 552阅读 27评论

发布时刻:2024 年 09 月 06 日 21:49      来历:我国新闻网

9 月 5 日,中非协作论坛非方现任一起主席国塞内加尔外长法勒在 2024 年中非协作论坛峰会期间承受采访。她告知记者,中非协作论坛峰会对非洲国家和塞内加尔来说,意味着非中沟通正在变得多元化。非中彼此扶持由来已久,非洲与我国是真实的双赢联系。 ( 张楠 吴辛茹 )

On September 5, during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation ( FOCAC ) Summit in Beijing, Yassine Fall, foreign minister of Senegal, fourth-term African co-chair of FOCAC, told China News Service that the FOCAC meeting means China and African countries including Senegal are diversifying partnerships. The African-China ties have a long history. The relationship between Africa and China is a relationship that is really win-win. ( Zhang Nan, Wu Xinru )




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评论列表 (有 27 条评论,552人围观)
_养只熊 V 游客 沙发
, Yassine Fall, foreign minister of Senegal, fourth-term African co-chair of FOCAC, told China News Service that the FOCAC meeting m
09-08 回复
兵在城下王 V 游客 椅子
在变得多元化。非中彼此扶持由来已久,非洲与我国是真实的双赢联系。 ( 张楠 吴辛茹 ) On September 5, during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation ( FOCAC ) Summit in Bei
09-09 回复
忘了自己 V 游客 板凳
are diversifying partnerships. The African-China ties have a long history. The relationship between Africa and China is a relationship that is really
09-08 回复
短暂留念 V 游客 凉席
Zhang Nan, Wu Xinru ) 责任编辑:【孟湘君】
09-08 回复
凉辰梦瑾 V 游客 地板
中沟通正在变得多元化。非中彼此扶持由来已久,非洲与我国是真实的双赢联系。 ( 张楠 吴辛茹 ) On September 5, during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation ( FOCAC ) Summi
09-08 回复
好感倍增 V 游客 6楼
can countries including Senegal are diversifying partnerships. The African-China ti
09-08 回复
我叫不主动 V 游客 7楼
African co-chair of FOCAC, told China News Service that the FOCAC meeting means
09-09 回复
过去的爱 V 游客 8楼
承受采访。她告知记者,中非协作论坛峰会对非洲国家和塞内加尔来说,意味着非中沟通正在变得多元化。非中彼此扶持由来已久,非洲与我国是真实的双赢联系。 ( 张楠 吴辛茹 ) On Sep
09-09 回复
玄策马奔腾 V 游客 9楼
rican-China ties have a long history. The relationship between Africa and China is a relationship that is really win-win.
09-08 回复
感觉混肴 V 游客 10楼
沟通正在变得多元化。非中彼此扶持由来已久,非洲与我国是真实的双赢联系。 ( 张楠 吴辛茹 ) On September 5, during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation ( FOCAC ) Summit
09-08 回复
孤久则惯。 V 游客 11楼
Africa Cooperation ( FOCAC ) Summit in Beijing, Yassine Fall, foreign minister of Senegal, fourth-term Afr
09-09 回复
落殇 V 游客 12楼
发布时刻:2024 年 09 月 06 日 21:49      来历:我国新闻网9 月 5 日,中非协作论坛非方现任一起主席国塞内加尔外长法勒在 2024 年中非协作论坛峰会期间承受采访。她告知记者,中非协作论坛峰会对非洲国家和塞内加尔来说,意味着非中沟通正在
09-08 回复
旧人怎忘i V 游客 13楼
Fall, foreign minister of Senegal, fourth-term African co-chair of FOCAC, told China News Service that the FOCAC meeting means China and
09-09 回复
眠眠云 V 游客 14楼
enegal are diversifying partnerships. The African-China ties have a long history. The re
09-08 回复
活捉蒼井空 V 游客 15楼
非中沟通正在变得多元化。非中彼此扶持由来已久,非洲与我国是真实的双赢联系。 ( 张楠 吴辛茹 ) On September 5, during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation ( FOCAC ) Sum
09-08 回复
科比 V 游客 16楼
in Beijing, Yassine Fall, foreign minister of Senegal, fourth-term African co-chair of FOCAC, told China News Service that the
09-08 回复
两清。 V 游客 17楼
知记者,中非协作论坛峰会对非洲国家和塞内加尔来说,意味着非中沟通正在变得多元化。非中彼此扶持由来已久,非洲与我国是真实的双赢联系。 ( 张楠 吴辛茹 ) On September 5, duri
09-08 回复
箫生 V 游客 18楼
发布时刻:2024 年 09 月 06 日 21:49      来历:我国新闻网9 月 5 日,中非协作论坛非方现任一起主席国塞内加尔外长法勒在 2024 年中非协作论坛峰会期间承受采访。她告知记者,中非协作论坛峰会对非洲国
09-08 回复
继承、挥霍 V 游客 19楼
tion ( FOCAC ) Summit in Beijing, Yassine Fall, foreign minister of Senegal, fourth-term African co-chair of FOCA
09-08 回复
一个人寂寞 V 游客 20楼
at is really win-win. ( Zhang Nan, Wu Xinru ) 责任编辑:【孟湘君】
09-08 回复
水煮美人鱼 V 游客 21楼
rica Cooperation ( FOCAC ) Summit in Beijing, Yassine Fall, foreign minister of Senegal, fourth-term Africa
09-08 回复
我不走 V 游客 22楼
e African-China ties have a long history. The relationship between Africa and China is a relationship that is really win
09-09 回复
兔子尾巴掉了 V 游客 23楼
es including Senegal are diversifying partnerships. The African-China ties have a long history. The relationship between Africa and China is a
09-09 回复
一起吹散 V 游客 24楼
a and China is a relationship that is really win-win. ( Zhang Nan, Wu Xinru ) 责任编辑:【孟湘君】
09-09 回复
袅娜娉婷 V 游客 25楼
. The African-China ties have a long history. The relationship between Africa and China is a relationship that is reall
09-09 回复
浪女剑心 V 游客 26楼
发布时刻:2024 年 09 月 06 日 21:49      来历:我国新闻网9 月 5 日,中非协作论坛非方现任一起主席国塞内加尔外长法勒在 2024 年中非协作论坛峰会期间承受采访。她告知记者,中非协作论坛峰会对非洲国家和塞内加尔来说,意味着非中
09-08 回复
谈雅红 V 游客 27楼
发布时刻:2024 年 09 月 06 日 21:49      来历:我国新闻网9 月 5 日,中非协作论坛非方现任一起主席国塞内加尔外长法勒在 2024 年中非协作论坛峰会期间承受采访。她告知记者,中非协作论坛峰会对非洲国家和塞内加尔来说,意味着非中沟通正在变得多元化。非中彼此扶持由来已久,
09-08 回复