明月寄厚意 | 罗伯特·库恩:中秋节让人们考虑人生苦乐 机会与应战

09-15 251阅读 14评论

  美国库恩基金会主席罗伯特·库恩寄语中秋佳节时表明,中秋节这一传统节日供给了很好的时机,让人们考虑传统、家庭、时机、应战,深入认识到日子中以及人类面临的高兴与忧困。他祝愿一切朋友们中秋高兴,美好健康。 (陈天浩 冯爽)

  Sending his Mid-Autumn greetings, Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, said it's really wonderful at different times of the year to reflect on tradition, family, opportunities, challenges and also to seriously recognize the the joys as well as the difficulties in human life and society. He wish all his Chinese friends a very happy and healthy Mid-Autumn Festival.



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评论列表 (有 14 条评论,251人围观)
臭臭的香猪 V 游客 沙发
greetings, Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, said it's really wonderful at different times of the year to reflect on tradit
09-15 回复
冷訁 V 游客 椅子
Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, said it's really wonderful at different times of the year to reflect on tradition, family, opportuni
09-16 回复
木子... V 游客 板凳
on tradition, family, opportunities, challenges and also to seriously recognize the the joys as well as the difficulties in human
09-16 回复
落花彷徨 V 游客 凉席
  美国库恩基金会主席罗伯特·库恩寄语中秋佳节时表明,中秋节这一传统节日供给了很好的时机,让人们考虑传统、家庭、时机、应战,深入认识到日子中以及人类面临的高兴与忧困。他祝愿一切朋友们中秋高兴,美好健康。 (陈天浩 冯爽) 
09-16 回复
洇帥判⑩哖 V 游客 地板
ficulties in human life and society. He wish all his Chinese friends a very happy and healthy Mid-Autumn Festival.
09-16 回复
我二故我在 V 游客 6楼
浩 冯爽)  Sending his Mid-Autumn greetings, Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, said it's really w
09-16 回复
傷、定格 V 游客 7楼
year to reflect on tradition, family, opportunities, challenges and also to seriously recognize the the joys as well as t
09-16 回复
为情所殇 V 游客 8楼
enges and also to seriously recognize the the joys as well as the difficulties in human life and soci
09-15 回复
轩爱人 V 游客 9楼
09-16 回复
冰橙♀柠檬 V 游客 10楼
  美国库恩基金会主席罗伯特·库恩寄语中秋佳节时表明,中秋节这一传统节日供给了很好的时机,让人们考虑传统、家庭、时机、应战,深入认识到日子中以及人类面临的高兴与忧困。他祝愿一切朋友们中秋高兴,美好健康。 (陈天浩 冯爽)  Sending his
09-15 回复
哥哥快推塔 V 游客 11楼
陈天浩 冯爽)  Sending his Mid-Autumn greetings, Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, said it's real
09-15 回复
放逐爱情 V 游客 12楼
tunities, challenges and also to seriously recognize the the joys as well as the difficulties in human life and society. He wish all his Chinese
09-16 回复
正在格式化 V 游客 13楼
ies in human life and society. He wish all his Chinese friends a very happy and healthy Mid-Autumn Festival.
09-16 回复
清如许 V 游客 14楼
undation, said it's really wonderful at different times of the year to reflect on tradition
09-16 回复